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Ningbo City holds the city's archives work meeting
发布时间:2020-05-29 来源: 访问量: 字体:【 视力保护色:
    On the morning of May 26 , the Provincial Party Committee held the provincial archives work and commendation advanced video conference. At the meeting, the advanced collectives and advanced workers of the provincial archives system were commended, and the Zhenhai District Archives made an exchange speech. After that, Ningbo held a city-wide archives work meeting to implement the spirit of the provincial meeting, summarize the city's archives work in 2019 , and deploy key tasks in 2020 . Shi Huifang, member of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee and Secretary General, attended the meeting and delivered a speech.

    Secretary-General Shi fully affirmed the achievements of the city's archives work in 2019 , and built a well-off society with a "six struggles and three years of climbing" and a comprehensive and high-level victory in 2020 , ending the "13th Five-Year Plan" and planning the "14th Five-Year Plan" "In the year, it was proposed that the archives work should be unswervingly guided by Xi Jinping’s socialist ideology with Chinese characteristics in the new era, firmly establish the vision of the times, dialectical thinking, overall concept and purpose, and be responsible for history and the future, and the party and the people. Attitude, always focus on archive resource construction, focus on grassroots infrastructure, focus on archives people's livelihood services, further improve the level of archive management and service capabilities, and make due contributions to "both hands must be hard, two wars must win".

    Secretary-General Shi emphasized four requirements for this year's archive work. First, the position must be stable, and the political direction must always be firmly established. Archival work is an important part of the cause of the party and the state, and also an important work of the party's "four most central" political organs. It bears the important responsibility of managing files for the party, keeping history for the country, and serving the people. The archives department must keep in mind the political requirements of "the surname of the archives work", always with a high sense of political responsibility and a strong sense of historical mission, accurately grasp the political direction of archives work under the new situation. Second, the station position should be high, and the overall situation of the center should always be served. Focusing on the strategic goal of singing the "Two Cities" in Ningbo and being a model student of "Important Window" in Zhejiang, we should identify the entry point and focus point of the archives work service center and the overall situation, and extend and expand the archives service field. High-quality development provides high-quality and efficient services. The third is to take concrete measures and always deepen reform and innovation. We should continue to do a good job in the "second half" article of institutional reform, further clarify the functional boundaries of bureaus and libraries, explore a simple and effective mechanism for division and cooperation between bureaus and libraries, and focus on the two functions of archives management and storage and utilization. Combination, bold exploration and innovation, and promote the continuous development of the archives cause. Fourth, the guarantee is stronger, and team building must always be strengthened. Further strengthen the leadership of the archives work, focus on the main responsibility and the main business, distinguish between priorities, focus on strengths and weaknesses, make sure that the limited human and financial resources are used on the "blade", and build, manage and bring the team well.

    At the meeting, Secretary-General Shi also put forward specific requirements for archive safety, archive resource construction, archive informatization construction, archive publicity and other work, and emphasized the need to complete archive work with high standards and high quality to serve the rural grassroots social governance pilot. "The self-built system electronic filing pilot task ensures the completion of the business construction evaluation and the creation of the digital archives, and continuously promotes the co-construction and sharing of people's livelihood archives information resources in the Yangtze River Delta.

    The meeting was chaired by Wang Haijuan , deputy secretary general of the municipal party committee and director of the municipal archives bureau . The district party county (city) and functional district party committees were in charge of the leadership.